2023 Election of Trustees


We are fortunate to have three of our Trustee’s seeking re-election for their second term, and one appointed member running for their first term. The membership elects Trustees, and they in turn elect officers and committee chair positions.

Our LRAA voting bylaws are located on the Governance page. If you’re interested in running for a seat on the Board, please email our Business Manager, Bahia Rowan, at lraa.business@gmail.com.

Board Members Seeking Re-election:
Aaron Sanday
Sylvia Silberhorn
J. Gordon

Appointed Board Position:
Caryn Darmer


Aaron Sanday
Current President seeking final year of Board membership
Areas of Responsibility: Contracts
We bought our first lot in Lost River nearly 20 years ago when our children were small. We all fell in love with the rivers, the mountains, the access to public lands, and the peaceful nature of our community here under the trees. We had to sell that lot in 2007, but life just didn’t feel right. Fortunately, we were able to buy another piece of paradise in 2016. Our children are no longer so small but they still love accessing the wild places from our cabin. We snowmobile, snowshoe, hike, run, hunt, go birding, and search for wild flowers in this quiet place. I deeply enjoy our community and chatting with our neighbors. This appreciation for Lost River, and the people that reside here, led me to serve on the Board for the last five years; the last 2 years of which I have served as President. Looking forward to my final year as Board President.

Sylvia Silberhorn
Current Treasurer seeking second 3-year term
I spent a majority of my life living in a small town in southern Michigan. where I worked as a Materials Manager for a manufacturing facility until I retired in 2018.  For many years, I traveled to Washington to visit my daughter and her family (grandkids!!), who also owns property in Lost River. My husband and I purchased our property in Lost River in 2017. We traveled back and forth from Michigan to Washington several times a year, until we sold our home in Michigan in 2022 and became permanent residents of the state of Washington. The beauty of Lost River is so breathtaking and I feel so fortunate to live here.

J. Gordon
Current Trustee seeking second 3-year term
Committee: WUCIOA (Governance)/Legal
My wife Krista and I have owned our cabin along Harris Road since 2006. We live in Bellingham where I am still a practicing geotechnical engineer. I served for 11 years on the (governing) City of Bellingham Public Library Board of Trustees, and served on our company Board of Directors. I have served one three-year term on the LRAA Board. My professional career and previous board experience allow me to contribute these skills to the LRAA Board. My wife and I love to hike, road and mountain bike, and ski in the Methow Valley and looking forward to spending more time in our cabin as I get closer to retirement!

Caryn Darmer
For the past four years I have been a dedicated LRAA community member who is very passionate about the Methow Valley. I happened upon my land in Lost River in an ad on craigslist of all places. Currently, I am in the process of building a fire-resistant cabin out of recycled materials along the runway with the help of my family. To get to LRAA I either fly in on the airstrip with my boyfriend or drive up to Mazama with tools in tow. Professionally I am a project engineer in Seattle and have ten years of expertise working with all aspects of commercial construction. What I will bring to the board is a vast range of knowledge on development, actual experience of using our community’s runway and a diverse range of practical skill sets to best serve our community. Outside of work and cabin building I can be found riding horses, skiing, farming hay and fly fishing in our local rivers.